作者:newzpp 来源: 阅读次数:15124次 发布日期:2011年8月26日



  Nonglin Primary School, one of the leading schools of Guangdong Province. It was established in 1992 and has presently a floor space of 11,600 square metres, and a floor area of 10064 square metres. The school has 38 classes with a population of 93 teaching staff and 2120 pupils.
  Over the past years, under the tenet of ’development means everything’ held true by Mr. Deng Xiaoping and slogan of ’every effort should be put on student development’, Nonglin Primary School has aimed to achieve greater progress in its staff’s professional development and student’ all-round competence. Besides, it has been vigorously advancing the four modernizations, i.e.,the modernizations of teaching staff, teaching and learning methods, modernizations of management, and facilities and equipment. It has also nurtured a good school spirit of ’being well-behaved, diligent, creatine and outstanding.
  Nonglin Primary School has witnessed remarkable achievements over the past years. Its staff has published 100 essays in various provincial and state magazines. Over 100 staff and pupils of the school have won awards for numerous competitions at or over provincial levels.. The school has been singled out as one of Jiangmen City’s model schools. It has also been elected as green-campus school and excellent school of sports and hygiene of Guangdong Province. The school is proud of its undertaking the Project of Rhyme-shifting and Direct Pronouncing in the Chinese Phonetic Syllables, one of the key projects under the China Central Education and Scientific Research Institute, and has been awarded as excellent organization. Further, it has been honored as the State Pioneer Brigade .These achievements can perhaps be well summarized by Madam Lei Jieqiong., the vice chairwoman of the National People’s Standing Committee, who inscribed that the school had an all-round development of the pupils’ morality, intelligence, physical training and aesthetic education, during her inspection to the school. The school is now striving for the achievement of greater progress.


单位:江门市农林小学 (盖章) 填表时间:2010年3月28日
序号 学校名称 获奖名称 获奖时间 授奖单位
1 农林小学 联合国教科文组织环境人口与可持续发展教育(EPD)
2003.11.00 广东"十五"课题组
2 农林小学 "离异家庭子女教育的实践与研究"获广东省第五届普通
2005.05.00 广东省教育厅
4 农林小学 课题《走进教育的春天——"小学语文科自我学习教学模式"》获总课题组优秀研究报告一等奖 2006.5.00 "十五"规划课题组
5 农林小学 子课题宣传展板获总课题组优秀
2006.5.00 "十五"规划课题组
6 农林小学 参加总课题研究过程中被评为总课题研究"教育科研先进集体"称号 2006.5.00 "十五"规划课题组
7 农林小学 获第一届全国新课程本色作文导写案例和互动评点竞赛优秀组织奖 2006.5.30 小语会教学法研究中心
8 农林小学 可持续发展教育的展板在2006广东地区主体可持续发展教育年会上获奖一等奖 2006.12.20 广东"十五"课题组
10 农林小学 语文科组被"自我发展教育2009年度大会"授予"学习型教研组"称号 2009.12.00 全国教学科学"十一五"课题组、广州市教育实验研究会
11 农林小学 语文科组被授予"优秀科组"称号 2009.12.00 蓬江区教研室

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